
Petit manuel du travailleur autonome ("Little manual for the self-employed")

Petit manuel du travailleur autonome ("Little manual for the self-employed")

Conseils et témoignages ("Tips and testimonials")

by Martine Letarte et Judith Lussier

Les Éditions La Presse

199 p.

17,99 $

Why impose a boss on ourselves, when we are perfectly capable of managing ourselves? Why go to an office every day, when we can work from the comfort of our living room?  And above all, what keeps us from living the life we really love?

"People underestimate themselves. With this book, I wanted to tell them that they are capable. People think they need a boss behind their back to tell them what to do, when that's not true!"

Judith Lussier, a journalist for several magazines as well as on the web, also has a column in the Métro newspaper. "And I allow myself to do many other things." Like writing a fiction film with her girlfriend and maintaining other book projects.

"My life is extraordinary. I think some wage earners may be very comfortable in wage employment and find that I'm being a bit utopian, but we say it in the book, we're fine with it. It's up to you to see if it's for you or not."

And that's what she and Martine Letarte offer us. Le Petit manuel du travailleur autonome is a guide for all those who dream of being self-employed, but who don't dare give up their Thursday paycheck, or who think they lack self-discipline. The two journalists share their experiences and advice, as well as those of other self-employed people in sectors as varied as marketing, the arts, architecture and health. In addition, we hear from accounting experts, time management specialists, psychologists and kinesiologists, to give anyone who wants the tools they need to become self-employed.

We will see that the myths of the freelancer who starves, who leads an unstable life while waiting to find a real job, or who is on vacation every day are, quite simply... myths.