Comics,  Quebec literature,  Get entertained

L’ostie d’chat T.1

Short review today. It was my week of vacation, and through whale watching and last minute searching for camping spots, I didn't have much time to read. But I couldn't leave you without a reading suggestion, so I read this short comic this morning.


Jasmin and Jean-Sébastien are two young adults who are still a little off. Jasmin is stuck with Legolas, the cat of an old friend who committed suicide, and with roommates who leave the toilet clogged. His band has just broken up, and he's still thinking about his ex, Julie, who cheated on him with Jean-Sébastien before leaving and leaving them both in the lurch.

Jean-Sébastien hasn't had a job for several months and has nothing in his fridge, but he still invites girls to eat Moroccan couscous and drink good wine at his place. From the outside, he looks like a confident guy, but after his multiple love affairs, he sometimes wonders if he's not just a thickhead. He and Jasmin met in high school, and despite the Julie incident, they are still friends, for better or for worse.

L’ostie d’chat, p. 6 et 7, where we learn where the cat in question comes from.


This is a book that leaves a strange impression. The characters are lost and a bit pathetic, and there is no trigger besides a series of sad or unpleasant events. Plus, it's very realistic: I must be about the age of the characters, and pretty much anything that happened to the characters could have happened to friends. It's not glorious, and it puts in your face that life is a mess sometimes. Plus, it takes place in Montreal, on Saint-Denis Street, and the dialogue is in good Quebecois. I felt at home.

I still laughed a few times. It's true that the cat is funny, and the characters were still ridiculous. But in the end, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. Let me know what you think!