
Anne-Marie Lecomte's recommendations

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Anne-Marie Lecomte is one of Quebec's finest writers. That's according to me, but also according to our common friend, who knows what he's talking about. She has been a journalist at Radio-Canada for more than 20 years, and was also a columnist at Chatelaine for many years. She earns her living by writing: there can't be many like her left.

I had the chance to spend a weekend with her in Sainte-Véronique, in her lover's picturesque motel on the shore of a lake. There, she revealed to me the favorite books of her life. I give them to you as a gift.

41UIZomt8zL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith

Of course, there is Agatha Christie. But with Patricia Highsmith, we reach another level...





41ogCHHXN3L._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier

Anne-Marie never had a favorite author, until she came across Tracy Chevalier (the author of The Girl with a Pearl Earring). This is no small feat.




9k=The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence

Margaret Laurence is little known in Quebec, even though she is Canadian. This book is about a 90 year old woman who revisits her life. A masterpiece according to Anne-Marie.



51XlWg-xOFL._SX306_BO1,204,203,200_The Words to Say It by Marie Cardinal

A French author, born in Algiers, who has lived in Montreal. She wrote this beautiful book about flirting with mental distress.




ZCat’s eye by Margaret Atwood

You know the ruthless cruelty that children can have? Margaret Atwood portrays it in a great way.




2Q==A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry

Here, Anne-Marie said to me, "There are all the books I just named for you, and then there is this one." When you read this novel, you understand India, and you delight in Rohinton Mistry's fine writing. A book to be read at least once in a lifetime.




Disgrace de J. M. Coetzee

A Fine Balance was about India; Disgrace is its equivalent for South Africa. A must.





Which one to start with? Give me your opinion 😉